Meet the Four New Adorable Budweiser Clydesdale Foals
When the Budweiser Clydesdale horses come to Northern Colorado, they only visit for a short time before they go back home. If you've ever been to the Budweiser Brewery in northern Fort Collins while the Clydesdales are there, you certainly know that it is something special to see.
When they leave the brewery, chances are they head to one of their permanent homes in Missouri for a little rest and relaxation. After all, it is hard work being the star of the show and the official animal of one of the biggest breweries on planet earth.

70 Clydesdale horses call Warm Springs Ranch in Boonville, Missouri home and the 300-acre ranch is the official breeding facility for the Budweiser Clydesdale horses. Warm Springs Ranch was established in 2008 and features a foaling barn, veterinary lab, and 10 pastures with custom walk-in shelters. Monday afternoon, the Warm Springs Ranch debuted four Clydesdale foals to the world via Facebook and they couldn't be more adorable. When I say adorable, I mean adorable in a "that's a massive horse that still has a lot of growing left to do" sort of way.
If you have never seen a Clydesdale horse up close and personal before, it might be hard to comprehend how big the horses actually are. Just to give you a bit of an idea, here is what one of their horseshoes looks like.
The four Clydesdale foals are in need of names too. What would you name them?
The Warm Springs Ranch offers tours of the facility starting in mid-March and going through the end of December. Pricing for the tours ranges from $15 for the guided walking tour all the way up to $1,000 for the Wheels & Reins Excursion. For more information on the Warm Springs Ranch, visit the site at WarmSpringsRanch.com.