NY State Legislators Pass 2022 Budget Just a Few Days Late
All the talk has been about COVID-19 and getting vaccines but believe it or not, there are other things going on in our state's capitol, like passing a state budget according to the Governor's Office. It’s about a week late but state lawmakers approved the 2022 state budget, which is pretty good considering that it seems the budget is almost always very late.

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Here are some of the highlights from the $212 budget plan:
- $311 Billion Infrastructure Plan which is the largest amount spend on infrastructure in the state's history.
- Bringing Affordable Broadband Internet with $15 Broadband Plans Offered to Low-Income Families
- Enhancement of Public Safety based on Police Reform Plans submitted by jurisdictions across the state.
- $2.3 Billion will be invested in child care utilizing federal resources that will expand availability, quality and affordability of child care state-wide with employer child care credits offered.
- $29 Billion will go to green economy investments
- Establishes Prevailing Wage & Buy American Requirement
- $2.4 Billion Rent Relief Program
- Enhanced quality of care at Nursing Homes
- $1 Billion going to small business and arts relief and recovery assistance
- Middle Class Property Tax Credit will be enacted along with the continuation of the Middle Class Tax Cut.
- $29.5 Billion School Aid (an 11% Increase)
In addition, New York's highest earners will see a surcharge added to their income tax. To find out more about the passed state budget visit www.governor.ny.gov.
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