The Chenango County sheriff's office and state police were called to the scene of a motor vehicle accident late Thursday night on State Route 23 in the town of Pitcher, and an unidentified man allegedly confronted the officers with a handgun.
United State Senator Kirstin Gillibrand and Congressman Richard Hanna visited Chobani offices Thursday in Norwich to show support for the reclassification of Greek yogurt under USDA nutrition guidelines.
U.S. Senator Kirstin Gillibrand and Congressman Richard Hanna will be holding a press conference today at Chobani headquarters to announce their support for the re-classification of Greek yogurt under the USDA’s My Plate nutrition guidelines.
A complete replica of an 1862 canal schooner entered the New York state canal system Wednesday in Oswego on a six-week tour of the 524-mile canal system.
Hundreds of hydraulic fracking opponents rallied outside the state capital Monday in what is likely to be the beginning of lots more demonstrations if Gov. Andrew Cuomo sanctions high volume drilling in New York.
With only about a week before school begins, Norwich Police Chief Joseph Angelino said his officers will be at all city schools the first couple of days to help avoid any dangerous situations.
The Chenango Chargers soccer club will host a free collegiate soccer game on Sunday.
The match will be between Keystone College and Wells College at 2 p.m. at the soccer facility near Oxford.
Light refreshments will also be available...