Two Time TED Talk Speaker Comes to SUNY Oneonta
Sage Levene
SUNY Oneonta’s Activities Council is bringing speaker Ash Beckham to campus today, March 23rd. Beckham’s TED Talks have gone viral accumulating more than 8 million views. She speaks to many different social issues such as the LGBTQ community and acceptance, while being relatable, dynamic and comical. The event is taking place at 9PM in the Hunt Union Waterfront Room,
Additionally, if you are interested in TED Talks, later in the month on March 30th, the Gender Equality and Rights Society on the SUNY Oneonta campus is bringing Rachel Hills, another former TED Talk speaker to discuss her theory on, “The Sex Myth.”
Both events are free for SUNY Oneonta students, and $3.00 for all others. For more information visit: