Exciting Day in Norwich Wednesday
A 2500 mile interactive adventure game is making a stop in Norwich Wednesday. It's the 2012 Fireball Run. It started September 21st in Independence, Ohio and ends September 29th in Bangor Maine.
The 40 teams participating are scheduled to stop at the Northeast Classic Car Museum between 11:30 AM and 2 PM. The museum's executive director, Marc Michaels joined us in studio to fill us in on all the exciting details.
He told us this is not a road race, but rather an event during which the participants solve clues and accomplish missions in order to navigate the route and score points.
The purpose of the run is to bring awareness to missing children by distributing over 1000 posters at stops throughout the event.
One of the attractions coming to Norwich is a 1 million dollar car-the original DeLorean used in the Back To The Future movies.
For all the details, listen here to the entire interview with Mr. Michaels.
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