Fed Playing “Hunger Games” With Chenango County
Charlie McMullen from the Taste N' See Soup Kitchen program and Chenango United Way Board member, along with Katha Root, past soup kitchen Program Director and Director of the county WIC program joined us in the studio this morning to talk about both the United Way 2012 campaign and hunger issues in Chenango County.
Charlie told us that United Way Executive Elizabeth Monaco has been told by federal government officials that the Emergency food shelter program would not be funded this year. The 26,000 dollar cut is the result of an improvement in the county unemployment rate. Charlie said that is misleading though as 40% of the workforce is made up of the working poor who count on the food pantries to help feed their families. This is the first time in 30 years that Chenango County has not received FEMA assistance.
Listen to the interview and hear more on how this affects the county and this year's Chenango United Way campaign goal.
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